How to Create a Playlist on Spotify on Desktop or Mobile-2024

How to Create, edit and delete a Playlist on Spotify Banner

Spotify, with its vast collection of over 82 million songs, has truly transformed our world into a musical heaven. Among its many functions like sleep mode, car mode, and recommendation system, Today, we’ll discuss about playlist creation.

Creating playlists on Spotify is an excellent method to organize and manage your favorite songs in a neat and structured manner. You can make it whether you’re a free or premium user. Create playlists on Spotify for different occasions like parties, weddings, and workout sessions.

Spotify also allows you to share your playlists with a single link, allowing you to show your unique musical taste to the world. Create a collaborative playlist with your friends. In this article, we’ll discuss how to create a playlist on Spotify, its features, and how to delete and edit it. So, stay tuned.

Quick Answer

To create a playlist on Spotify:

  • Open your Spotify app and go to the Library tab.
  • Click on the Plus Icon (+).
  • And select Playlist to create a playlist.

How to Create a Playlist on Mobile (iOS/Android)

The process of creating a playlist on Spotify on iOS or android is like a breeze. You can create it by following the instructions on your mobile or tablet:

  • Open your Spotify App. Click on the Library tab from the bottom of your screen.
  • Then click on the Plus (+) Icon at the top of your screen.
  • Select Playlist from the given options.
  • Name it and then tap on the Create Button.
  • Then, click on Add to this Playlist button under Let’s Start Building your Playlist. And Start making your Playlist by adding your favorite songs.
Playlist Creation on mobile Image

Add Songs to a Playlist

There are different methods to add songs to your Playlist. I’ve discussed three methods, you can follow any of the given:

Method 1: 

This method is quite simple. Go to your Playlist in which you want to add your songs. Click on the Add to this Playlist option. Then, add your desired songs to your Playlist using the search bar.

Once you add any song, Spotify will give you more options for adding songs to your playlist based on your listening habits.

Adding Song to Playlist on mobile Method 1 Image

Method 2:

In this method, navigate to the Search bar and select any song that you want to add to your playlist. Click on the Plus Icon twice beside the song, then choose the Playlist to which you want to add that particular song and click on Done.

Add songs to playlist on mobile Method 2 Image

Method 3:

In method 3, go to your favorite song and click on the three horizontal dots if you’re using an Android device or three vertical dots if you’re an iOS user in the top right corner. Select Add to Playlist option, then add it to your playlist. 

Add songs to Playlist on Mobile Method 3 Image

Edit a Playlist on Spotify

Spotify gives you different editing options, allowing you to customize your listening experience. 

I’ve listed some steps, following which you can easily edit it:

  • Go to the Playlist you want to edit. Click on the three-dot at the top right corner. Select the Edit your Playlist option.
  • You can rename it with the edit option. Change the order of your songs; drag and hold the Hamburger Sign next to each song and drop it where you want to.
  • Delete any particular song by clicking the Minus Sign (-) next to each song.
  • Once you edit it, click the Save button to save the Playlist in your library.
Spotify Playlist editing on Mobile Image

Delete a Playlist

If you don’t need any particular playlist and want to delete it from your library, follow the given steps:

  • Navigate to the Playlist that you want to delete.
  • Click on the three-dot option.
  • Click on the Delete option.

Now, your Playlist is deleted. You can create a new playlist on Spotify with the same method given in the above section.

Delete a Playlist on Mobile Image

How to Create a Playlist on desktop (Windows/MacBook)

If you’re using your Spotify app on PC or Laptop and want to make a playlist, then follow the given steps:

  • Open your Spotify app on your Laptop or Computer. Go to the left Menu options.
  • Click the Plus Icon next to the library and select Create a new Playlist option. Another method is to press CTRL+N on Windows or CMTD+N on Mac.
Playlist Creation on PC Image
  • Spotify will give it a temporary name like My Spotify#X. You can change this name. Rename it and click on Save.
Playlist Creation on PC Image

Add Songs to a Playlist

If you want to add any song to your Playlist, simply Right-click on a song and click Add to Playlist. Another method is to click on the Plus Icon next to each song.

Or, click on the song, drag and drop it to the playlist name to which you want to add your song. In this way, you can add songs to your Playlist.

Adding Songs to Playlist on PC Image

Make Folders to save your Playlists

This facility is only available in the desktop version. If you used to create various playlists on Spotify and want to manage them to access them effortlessly, you can organize them in folders. Steps are given for creating a folder:

  • Open your Spotify App. Go to your Left Menu settings.
  • Click on the Plus Icon and select Create a Playlist Folder.
  • Open your folder and click on the top three dots. You can rename, delete, or move your folder from the menu.
Folder Creation on PC Image

Edit Your Playlist

If you want to edit your playlist on your computer or laptop, simple follow the given guide:

  • Navigate to your Playlist. Click on the three-dot option or right-click on it and select Edit Your Playlist.
  • You can rename your playlists; after clicking the Edit option from the three-dot button, click on the existing name of your Playlist and then rename it.
Rename your Playlist Image
  • To delete any particular song, right-click on it and tap on Remove From this Playlist. 
Delete Songs from Playlist Image
  • Drag your song and drop it in your desired order to change the order of your songs. After editing your Playlist, you can also add descriptions and images to it.
  • After making all changes, save your playlist simply by clicking on the Save button.

Delete Your Playlist

If you don’t need a playlist longer and want to get rid of it, you can delete it easily with the given method:

  • Open your Playlist.
  • Right-click on it or hit the three-dot button.
  • Click on the Delete option to delete it permanently.
Delete Playlist on PC Image

Features of Spotify Playlist

Spotify’s Playlist comes with a lot of features that help you make your musical experience even more better. These features allow you to customize your music listening experience.

With an array of features like blend, making the Playlist public or private, and sharing your Playlist, it helps in elevating your musical journey. Here are some features discussed below:

Share Your Playlist on Spotify

Spotify lets you share your musical taste with your friends. Share your playlists on social media. You can share your public as well as private playlists with your friends. To share it, follow the instructions:

Open your Spotify app either on mobile or desktop. Open the Playlist that you want to share. Click on the three-dot option. Or you can right-click on it if you’re using a desktop app.

Tap on the Share button from the menu. Then, select the platform, like WhatsApp, Instagram, etc., through which you want to share or copy the link and share it or add this link to your bio.

Share Playlist on Spotify 1

Share a Playlist through Spotify Code

Spotify also gives you the Spotify Code option to share your Playlist. It is like a QR Code. Go to your Playlist, click on the three-dot Icon, and select the Spotify Code option.

Share this Spotify Code with your friends or post it on your Social media profile. Your friends can easily scan it through the Camera option next to the search bar of Spotify.

Make a Collaborative Playlist 

Spotify lets you make a collaborative playlist with your friends. This feature allows you to invite up to 10 Spotify users. They can contribute to making your Playlist. They can add songs, remove any song, and edit your Playlist. This function is available in both public and private playlists.

  • Open the Spotify App.
  • Open the Playlist that you want to make collaborative.
  • Click on a Man-like sign with the Plus (+) Icon to generate a link, or click on the three-dot option to open a menu. Select Invite Collaborators to generate a link.
  • Send this link to your friends through different methods like WhatsApp messages or copy and share it with them.
Collaborative Playlist Making Image

Collaborators must click on the link within 7 days; otherwise, the link will expire. Once they accept your invitation, you can see their profiles in the bubble at the top of the Playlist. By clicking on bubbles, you can check further details.

If you want to remove any contributor, click on the three-dot button next to the profile which you want to remove and remove them as a contributor or allow them to watch only your Playlist.

Make a Playlist Private or Public

Spotify offers you two types of playlists: one is Public and the other is Private. When you make a public playlist, it can be seen by other users on your profile or through the search bar. Users can listen to your profile and follow it, too. It is a great way to share your musical taste.

Private playlists, on the other hand, can’t be seen on your profile. Other users are not able to see your private playlists. This feature is helpful when creating playlists for your personal use without sharing with others.

To make a playlist public or private: 

  • Go to the Playlist which you want to make public or private. 
  • Click on the three-dot Icon.
  • Select the Make Private/Make Public option according to your preferences.
Making Playlist Private Image

Add or Remove a Playlist to your Profile

When you make any playlist public, it can be seen by other users through search. But it will not automatically be added to your profile. If you want to add or remove it to your profile, open the Playlist, then click on the three-dot options and click Add/Remove to your Profile.

Remove Playlist from Profile Image

Pin your Playlist

If you’ve created so many playlists and have to scroll down to find your favorite Playlist, then Spotify allows you to pin up to 4 playlists in your library. Once you pin any playlists, it will always be shown on the top. Open your Playlist, tap the three-dot button, and click on the Pin Playlist option.

Spotify Recommendations System

Spotify’s recommendations system makes it far away from all other music streaming platforms and gives it a unique identity in the music industry. It suggests songs according to your music taste. 

It also helps you in making your playlists. Spotify recommends additional songs at the bottom of each Playlist based on your activity on the platform and the title of the Playlist. You can add these recommended songs to your Playlist.

If your Playlist is empty and you want to make it according to your musical taste but need to know what songs to add. Don’t worry; Spotify knows you better than you. It suggests Daily Mixes, Radar, and new releases. You can select songs from Spotify’s curated playlists to make your playlists. 

Exclude From your Taste Profile

Spotify uses algorithms and machine learning techniques to detect your preferences. It detects which types of songs you listen to most, which kinds of artists you follow, and which types of Playlists you create.

Using this data, Spotify recommends a curated list of songs, artists, and albums. Sometimes, you may create a list of songs to entertain your kids. Or a list of sad songs for any unfortunate event.

But you don’t want this Playlist to influence the Recommendations that Spotify provides you according to your music listening experience. In this case, Spotify allows you to exclude such playlists from your taste profile.

You only need to go to the Playlist, click the three-dot Icon, and hit Exclude From your Taste Profile. In this way, you can get rid of getting suggestions for such types of songs which you don’t want to listen to in your free time.

Excluding Playlist from Taste Profile Image

How to Download Your Playlists on Spotify

This feature lets you download and listen to your playlists offline. This feature is very helpful whether you’re hiking, on a trip with your friends, or on a flight. To download any playlist:

Navigate to your Playlist. Tap on the Download icon, which appears like a down arrow in a circle, or if you’re using a laptop or computer right, right-click on the Playlist and click Download. This feature is only available for premium users.

Download Playlist Image

Make a Blend

This feature allows you to make a blend with your friends. This feature combines the musical tastes of two or more users to make a shared playlist.
You can invite up to ten friends to a blend and Spotify will create a playlist that reflects the musical taste of all your friends you’ve invited.

To make a blend:

  • Navigate to the library tab at the bottom of your screen.
  • Hit the Plus Icon.
  • Select the Blend option.
  • Then click on the Invite button to share the invite link with your friends.

You can share the invite link through your preferred sharing method.

Making Blend on Spotify Image

Final Thoughts

In short, a playlist is a great way to order your favorite songs. It allows you to search for your favorite songs effortlessly. You can find all your favorite songs of any specific event at one pace. With the ability to create, edit, and delete playlists, Spotify’s users become architects of their musical journeys.

I’ve told you everything about playlist creation, features, and editing procedures in this article. If you still face any issues, please drop in the comments section. I will answer you as soon as possible. Share this article with your friends if you find it helpful.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

Yes, you can make a playlist on Spotify either using a free or premium account. You can create your playlist from the library tab through your free account.

You can make your playlist offline and listen to it without the internet. Go to the playlist and click on the download option. Once it is downloaded then you can listen to it in offline mode. However, this facility is only available for premium users.

Currently, there is no option to see who follows your playlist on Spotify. However, Spotify lets you see how many users follow or like your playlist.

You can combine two playlists on Spotify. Open the playlist, click on the three-dot Icon, tap the Add to other Playlist option from the menu, and select the playlist to which you want to add it.

In the past, Spotify allowed you to add up to 10,000 songs to each playlist. But now Spotify has removed this limit. You can add unlimited songs to a playlist.

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