How to Remove Followers on Spotify [Step-by-Step Guide]-2024

Remove followers on Spotify banner

In the world of music streaming, Spotify stands out as one of the most popular music streaming platforms, and has transformed the way of music consumption. Beyond being just a music player, it is a social-friendly platform, allowing you to follow your friends and engage with them at a much deeper level.

But sometimes, you want to make your listening activities private from some followers on Spotify because you don’t want them to see your profile and listening history. You can easily do it by removing or blocking them from your followers list. 

But how to remove followers on Spotify? Don’t worry; it is a straightforward process; anyone can do it. In this article, we’ll discuss how to remove and block followers on Spotify. In addition we’ll also discuss how to hide listening activity. So stay with us.

Quick Answer

To remove followers on Spotify, click on the View Profile option, navigate to the Follower tab, select the profile you want to remove, tap on the three dots button, select the Remove Follower option, and confirm it.

How to Remove Followers on Mobile (Android/iOS)

Removing followers on mobile is as easy as a cup of tea. You can easily do it even if you’re doing it for the first time. Here’s how to do it:

  • Launch the Spotify app on your profile.
  • Click on the Profile icon on the left side of your mobile screen.
Open Profile on Mobile
  • Tap on View Profile from the options. Then you’ll see your profile.
Click on View Profile
  • Here, you’ll find two tabs: the Following tab shows you the users you’re following, and the Followers tab shows you the users who are following you.
  • Click on the Follower tab. Select the user that you want to remove.
Click on Follower tab Image
  • Click on the three dots button next to their name.
Click on three dot icon
  • Then, Spotify will show you two options: Remove Follower and Block.
  • Click on the Remove Follower option and confirm your decision to complete the process.
Click on Remove follower

After removing some users from the follower list, there is still a possibility that the same user may follow you again. To prevent this from happening, you can permanently block that user from following you. 

To block the user, select the user profile from your following list, click on three dot icons, select the Block option, and confirm it.

How to Remove Followers on PC (Windows/macOS)

You can’t remove follower on PC but you can get the same results by blocking them. To block follower on Spotify, just follow the given steps:

  • Open the Spotify app on your PC and click on the Profile icon on the right side of your screen.
Click on the profile Icon on PC
  • Click on the View Profile option.
Click on the View Profile
  • Tap on the Follower tab. You’ll see a list of your followers. Select the follower you want to remove.
Click on the three dot icon on PC
  • Click on the three-dot button next to their name.
  • Tap on the Block option to remove the user from your follower’s list and confirm it. You can unblock it using the same method by clicking the Unblock button.
Click on the three dot icon on PC

How to Block Someone on Spotify

You can easily remove and block users from your following list, but what if you want to remove a user who is not on your following list? Spotify offers a convenient option to block the users directly through their profiles. To block someone on Spotify:

  • Navigate to the user’s account which you want to block. You can search for that user by searching through its username.
  • After locating its profile, click on it.
  • Tap on the three dots button on its profile.
  • Select the Block option and confirm it.
Blocking follower image

If you don’t find any block option on its profile, it means you have already blocked him or you’re on any Artist’s Profile. Keep in mind that you can block only normal users through this method; you can’t block any artist through it. 

Why Remove Followers on Spotify

There are several reasons why you might want to remove or block followers on Spotify. Some reasons are discussed below:

Privacy Concerns

Privacy can be a major reason for most users. Some users want to keep their music-listening activities private and do not want to share them with certain followers.

Control Over Audience

Some users might want to control their audience by limiting the number of followers who can see and follow their profile. 

Personal Preferences

Some users might want to remove certain followers because of personal issues or because they do not feel comfortable with them. In this way, they can enjoy a positive environment on the platform.

Building a Right Audience

Building a loyal and engaging audience can be a reason for some users. They prefer to have relevant followers who appreciate their music and have similar music tastes.

Avoid Unwanted Interactions

Some users might want to avoid interaction with specific followers and keep their music experience more personal. 

2 Simple Ways to Keep Your Listening Activity Private

Sometimes, you do not want to block any specific person on Spotify. But if you want to keep your listening activities private on the platform, you can follow the given strategies.

Hide Listening Activity on Spotify

You can hide your listening activity from all of your friends and followers. Here’s how to do it:

  • Open the Spotify app and Navigate to Settings.
  • Scroll down and select the Social option.
  • Select the Block option and confirm it.
  • In this section, turn off the toggle of Listening Activity
  • You can also enable the Private Session option. This option hides your activities on the platform during a specific session. Once the session ends, Spotify shows your activity to your friends.
Disabling the toggle of Listening Activity

Make your Playlists Private

Your playlists are public by default; it means anybody can open your playlists and listen to them. However, You can make your playlists private. Here’s how to do it:

  • Open the playlist that you want to make private.
  • Click on the three dots options.
  • Select the Private Playlist option to make it private.
Making Playlist Private Image


In short, removing followers on Spotify is a great way to control your listening privacy on the platform. This way, you can manage your audience and prevent specific users from accessing your profile and playlists.

In this article, we’ve discussed how to remove followers on Spotify, how to block them, and other ways to maintain your privacy on Spotify. I hope I’ve cleared all of your doubts, but if you still have any queries, feel free to drop them in the comments section. I’ll try my best to reach out to you as soon as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

No, Spotify doesn’t notify any user when you unfollow them. This action is typically discreet and doesn’t generate any notification to the user who has been unfollowed.

To unblock any user, simply open their profile. Click on the three-dot icon and select the unblock option. After unblocking anyone, you can make them your friends and share your favorite tracks.

When you follow someone on Spotify, you’ll be able to see their music listening activities in real time. You can also access their private playlists and listen to them.

Yes, it is possible that a removed follower may follow you again in the future. But if you want to prevent this from happening, block him instead of just removing him from your followers list.

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