How to Change and Reset Password on Spotify

How to Change and Reset Password on Spotify Banner

Have you ever felt panicked because you couldn’t remember your Spotify password and want to reset it? Or want to enhance your account’s security by changing it? Because according to experts, you should change your password frequently to save it from hacker attacks.

Don’t worry; I have a simple solution to your problem. In this article, I will guide you on how to hassle-free change or reset your password. After reading this article, you can change or reset your password easily. So, keep reading!

Quick Answer

To Change your password, you need to go to the Spotify webpage. Login if you’re not already. 

  • Click on the profile or gear icon in the top right corner.
  • Tap on the view account option, select the change password option, enter your existing password, and then enter your new password twice.

To Reset your password, navigate to the Spotify Spotify reset page. 

  • Enter your username or email and click on the send link, then you will receive mail from Spotify with the reset link.
  • Click on it, and you’ll be redirected to a new window. From there, you can change your password.

How to Change Password on Spotify?

This method is used when you know your password and want to change it to improve the security of your account. Changing the password of your Spotify account on Android, iOS, or PC is the same and a straightforward method.

Follow the steps to change Spotify password quickly and without any hindrance.
Keep in mind that you can’t change your password in the desktop or mobile app; you need to go to the Spotify web page on the web browser.

Step 1:

Spotify Login Image

Step 2:

  • Tap on the Profile or Gear type Icon .
  • Click on the View Account.
Password Resetting Image 1

Step 3:

  • After that, select the Change Password option from the drop-down menu.
  • Now, enter your existing password in the Current Password section.
  • Enter your new password in the New Password section and then write it twice.
  • After completing this process, finally, click on the Set New Password.
Spotify Password Changing Image

Now, your password has been changed. Log in with your new password in the Spotify app if you’ve been automatically logged out.

How to Reset Password on Spotify?

Have you forgotten your password and want to recover your account? No worries, you can reset your Spotify password on your PC, Android, or iOS in a few minutes with the given instructions:

Step 1:

  • Navigate to the Spotify Password Reset Page.
  • Enter the username or email you used to sign up for your account and click the Send button.
Reset Password Image

Step 2:

  • Now, go to your mail inbox and find the email with the subject Reset Your Password
  • Open that mail; you will find a Reset Password; click on it.
Mail Box Image

Step 3:

  • Then, you’ll be redirected to the Password Reset Page. Enter your new password in the New Password Section and repeat this password in the Confirm Password Section.
  • Then click on the change password button. Your password is reset, and your account is recovered. Now, it’s time to listen to your favorite tunes.
Spotify Password Resetting Image

Always try to create a strong password to protect your account against hackers. Use any password manager like to save it or write it in your notebook. 

Forget your Email Address?

If you’ve forgotten your email address, there are different other methods to sign up for your account, like phone number, Google or Apple Account, which you’ve connected with your account.

Once you sign up using the methods mentioned above, you can check your user name and email on the web page. Click on profile or Gear type icon in the top right corner, Click the Account Overview, and check the user name and email. Then, use this mail to change or reset Spotify password using the method described above.

For Facebook Created Spotify’s Accounts

Changing or resetting your Spotify password is slightly different if you’ve made your Spotify account with the Facebook ID. To change or reset Spotify Password with Facebook created account:

  • First of all, go to your Profile Icon or gear icon in the top right corner and click on Settings.
  • Then, navigate to the Social Section and tap Disconnect from Facebook.
  • Once you disconnect your account, use your Facebook account’s email address to log in to your Spotify account.
  • Use this email address to change and reset your password using the method in the above paragraph.

Final Thoughts

In short, you should always use strong passwords instead of easy passwords that can’t easily be hacked. If you struggle with remembering passwords, consider using any password manager app. 

In this article, I’ve told you everything about how to change and reset password on Spotify. Feel free to drop your issues in the comments section if you need help with any problems. I’ll reach out to you as soon as possible. If you want to change email on Spotify, read our blog.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

If you didn’t receive any mail, check whether you entered the correct mail or check the spam folder of your mailbox.

If your password reset link is not working, request a new one. If the link is still not working, copy it and open it in the new or incognito window.

No, you can’t change your password on the mobile app. You need to go to the web page of Spotify to change your password.

You can use a password manager like LastPass or 1Password. These tools are designed to manage your passwords across different accounts securely. You only need to remember a single master password.

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